Successful employer branding
campaign for AEG

There’s a lot of movement on the job market. Coming out of the pandemic many people are taking stock and employers are hiring again to enable them to grow. AEG, the leading producer of electrical and household appliances, is also looking for reinforcements. We cooked up a targeted employer branding campaign.

Social media advertising

AEG was primarily looking for a select number of specific profiles: service technicians, regional managers and contact centre agents. To spread the message in a targeted way, we focused on the channels where the target group hung out most: Facebook and Instagram. For each job we created a small number of conversion-oriented posts in different formats, which we advertised with the proper targeting. From native ads to photo carrousels, always with the same message: AEG is a great place to work.

Display advertising

We complemented the social media campaign with display advertising. We used responsive display banners on external websites, linked to the Google search behaviour of potential candidates, to create a buzz about the AEG brand and drive the campaign’s conversion rate. Powerful and effective.

The secret of successful communication?
Spreading your message where the target group hangs out.

Know your target

Data is key in online marketing. With that in mind, the performance of the various ads was monitored closely. The results were discussed in a weekly status meeting with the client. The ads were then optimised or adapted depending on the feedback.

Job website

The ultimate goal of the campaign was naturally conversion. All ads were linked to, a dedicated job site alongside AEG’s corporate website. Carefully curated visuals, compelling copy and inspiring employee stories were used to paint a picture of the employee experience at AEG. Visitors could also find a summary of open vacancies and an application form. The campaign generated dozens of valuable candidates who were very interested in getting to work at AEG.