Live video

Applause for video!

How do you keep your audience interested during your event and ensure the message gets through loud and clear? How do you rise your profile at a fair, attract visitors to your stand and keep them there? Video is a great way of informing and entertaining people. Let’s go live!

Event video

Say you want to make an important announcement at your employee party or a corporate event. Speeches are obviously an option. But video adds energy and impact to what you have to say. More style, more substance. Because a picture is much more direct than words.

Enjoy the aftermovie

Allow your guests to bask in the afterglow of your event and give no-shows a taste of what they missed, with an aftermovie. It’s the ideal way to raise your profile on social media or generate views on your website.

Live! Live! Live!

During an event, there can be so much going on that your guests may need a little help keeping up. Our solution is having a camera crew on the floor and a director in the control room to select the footage to show live on big screens around the venue. Your guests never need to miss a thing.

Star in your own show

It can be quite a challenge to stand out at a packed trade fair. One way to attract attention is to play a video reel (from explanimations to corporate movies) on screens at your stand. That introduces visitors to what you do or who you are while your sales team gets on with what they do best: selling.

Our showreel